My critique group met today. I always come home inspired and ready to write, and I did. Problem is, my computer abruptly died last night. I'd called the tech to fix the problem I'd just discovered I was having with Google Alerts. I'm no longer receiving Alerts and suspected some of the virus-preventing software she loaded after my last virus problem to be the cause.
The minute she closed Google Chrome, preparing to correct the problem, my PC bit the dust. A hand-me-down built for my husband, the CPU was so old I could no longer plug a flash drive in the slot on the back. It jiggled and didn’t made good contact, so the computer's demise was not unexpected, but its passing left me without an outlet for my creativity.
I decided to pull weeds instead. We've had an abundance of rain this winter and the weeds in our garden railroad are up to my knees, but easy to pull right now.
With my hands occupied my mind wanders, and as the pile of pulled weeds grew my thoughts went back to our critique meeting. Two guests came to test the water, and may join our group, which is probably a good thing. New faces. New ideas. Without new blood we old timers may get set in our ways or begin to think we're always right.
So I'm pondering the stories these two are writing, which led back to my current dilemma, not being able to write, when a voice within me spoke up.
The gardener needs work. Let him do this.
He's already been here once this week, and money doesn't grow on the trees he so recently trimmed.
But don't you have better things to do? Edits or something?
Well, yes, but my new computer won't ship until later today, and once it gets here the tech will have to load my software and data onto that spacious new hard drive Jim insisted he buy before I can work on my soon to be released next eBook.
So do something else. How long since you blogged on your website?
Too long. No new ideas. Those three mid-winter weeks I spent out of town nursing a sick son-in-law threw a money wrench in my resolution to blog at least once a week, and it's kinda hard to blog when I have no idea what to write.
Besides I'm without a computer right now. Did you forget?
No, have you forgotten about your laptop?
My hands stilled. I had forgotten about my laptop, also an antiquated hand-me-down from my oldest daughter, it had saved my skin more than once, and I'd just thought of the perfect subject for a blog. The Voices in My Head.
And then it struck me. Writing must be the only profession where those who admit they hear voices are not instantly locked up.
I went through a two-year period when writer's block silenced my muse. Once those voices resumed their whispering I thanked my lucky stars, just as I did today.