In my newest release Restored Dreams my hero Buck doesn't want to go home again. He walked away from his father's questionable business practices and never once looked back. Even after his father's death he refused to run his corporation, or live in his marble and glass mansion with the coldly modern décor.
No, Buck never felt at home in his father's house. Seemingly abandoned by his mother and ignored by his father, Buck was shipped off to private schools, received his allowance from servants, but from the stableman learned a love of horses he capitalized on by joining the rodeo circuit a while back.
Home to him now is the toy box he tows with a Peter Built truck, his horse tucked safely in the stall he built for Satan inside his RV, too, and instead of home being "anywhere he lays his hat", it's anywhere he parks his rig.
Most recently he parked it at Restful Dreams Campground just outside of Lakeview, California, and he's thinking about sticking around. He feels he owes the good people of Lakeview at debt he'd like to repay with the millions he inherited and never intends to spend on himself.
Fifty years back his grandfather, a fast-talking charlatan, swindled some of the residents of Lakeview and made off with their life savings, money he'd convinced them to invest in a railroad never intended to come through their town.
Buck has his eye on Treasure Montgomery's stately old Victorian house. The pretty teacher's home needs a new roof, but she is stubborn as his grandmother's mule. He'd gladly re-roof Treasure's house for free, thanks to his bulging bank accounts, money he doesn't want and would please him to see go to a good cause. Treasure's too proud, though. She's determined to pay her own way.
On a teacher's salary? She's not thinking straight, but maybe Buck can make her listen to reason. He spent summers with his grandmother in her classic Victorian farm house, and hopes to bring Treasure's house back to its original beauty, one rusty pipe and rotted board at a time.
Man, he wishes the little lady wasn't so hard headed. Like the idea she sprang on him about him taking her to bed. Unless he's mistaken, Treasure has a hidden agenda, one he hopes she'll reveal while he courts her. The idea of being courted surprised her, but she warmed up to the notion about as fast as he warmed up to her.
Now, if he can just find a way to spend time with her without giving in to her demands he'll be a happy man, and might have even found a happy home.
Somebody claimed "home is where the heart is". How could he go wrong giving his heart to the big-hearted woman just named California's Best Middle School Teacher? Maybe then she'll let him restore her home.