Restore your soul.
Life is short and even if you live to be ninety the extra moments you steal for yourself may add another year or two to yours, so relive the happy times. Think back on happier days and hold those carefree moments in our heart.
Worry and stress are time bombs just waiting to explode. Squelch the fire burning inside you by enjoying a short nap on the deck. I planted a fragrant rose at the corner of my deck. Even though it's mid-January my rose bush is still blooming. When things get hectic in my kitchen I only have to step outside and smell that rose to feel my tension fade.
Stess less, eat less, and you won't have a weight problem to stress about.
Chill Out. Staying calm while stuck in traffic saves lives. Residents of New York City and Los Angeles are especially susceptible to stress. Common courtesies get shoved aside in the rush to get where you're going. Do take a step back from all the hustle and bustle and inhale slowly. There are twenty-four hours in a day. Make half of one of those hours yours.
Learn how to relax. I use a favorite scene from a lovely creek bank is the eastern sierras. The creek flows into Mono Lake. I pull the scene in to my mind whenever life becomes too much. I don't even have to close my eyes to picture the family of deer I watched at sunset from a campsite as six of them meandered down the hill to drink from the rapidly flowing creek. Remembering their peaceful journey soothes my mind and allows me to complete necessary tasks with minimal stress.
I recalled this scene in To Feel Again, my romantic suspense novel set in the Eastern Sierra Mountains. The heroine has many reasons to feel stressed and watching the interaction of those deer takes her mind off those worries.
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