Now everything is checked out electronically. My latest library card looks like a credit card. Works like one, too. I can even renew the books I check out by phone, but do I use my card as often as I use my credit card? No, not nearly often enough, however every time I step back into the library I'm amazed at the offerings I find there. I had no idea our branch library four block away hosted a monthly book club, eliminating the need to drive to Barnes and Noble for their's.
Like carrying a membership card for the fitness club or AAA, when I walk into the library I have a sense of belonging. I'm familiar with my surroundings, even if I've never been in that particular building before. I enjoy a sense of fellowship, and suspense. No telling what I'll find beneath the covers of the first book I remove from the shelf.
And the best part? I never lose the sense of wonder. All that knowledge at my fingertips. I race down the rows of shelves, fearful some other patron will beat me to the latest Nicholas Sparks release or video. Too busy to read? Check out a talking book for those forty-five minute commutes to work.
Why not put a visit to the local library on your shopping list this week. You're bound to find something there that interests you. Maybe an armful, like me.